Myasthenia Gravis
- Caused by anti-acetylcholine receptor antibodies and hence you diagnose by measuring its levels in blood serum. Order CT chest to rule out thymoma which will require thymectomy if found.
- Characterized by muscle weakness that gets worse by related activities like diplopia, ptosis, dysphagia and dyspnea.
- Tensilon (edrophonium) test makes the symptoms improve. EMG makes it worse.
- Deep tendon reflexes are preserved as opposed to Eaton-Lambert myasthenic syndrome where these are diminished.
- Can be precipitated by infections and medications like antibiotics as well as beta and calcium channel blockers.
- Initial treatment is with pyridostigmine. Use immunosuppressants for severe cases. If intubation is required then plasmapheresis is indicated.
To know more about neuromuscular disorders consider reading this book by Tulio Bertorini.
This post covers the points you need to know for your board exams as well as for teaching residents on the daily rounds. Medical professionals can't use the information here to treat their patients nor people can use the information her to treat themselves. If you are having any medical issues, contact your doctor or local emergency services.